Can I Sideload Apps on iPad?

iPad users can sideload apps to their devices with the help of third-party app stores. Learn how to sideload apps on your iPad in this guide.

What is Sideloading?

Sideloading is the process of installing apps on your device without using an official app store, such as the App Store for iOS devices.

  1. Sideloading allows you to install apps that are not available in the official app store.
  2. It gives you access to apps that are not approved by the app store.

How to Sideload Apps on iPad

You can sideload apps on your iPad with the help of a third-party app store, such as Signtunes. Signtunes is a great way to find and install apps that are not available in the App Store.

Once you have purchased Signtunes, you can start sideloading apps on your iPad.